What are Pagans?

What are Pagans?

The Anglo Saxon invaders were Pagans, they were people who believed in many Gods.

They brought their beliefs from the places they originally came from.


They had a God or Goddess for nearly every aspect of life, war, love, crops.

These were Gods and Goddesses of Earth, sky and the after-life.

The Gods and Goddesses were believed to live in special places (holy places).

These places were not buildings like churches, mosques or temples, but usually places in nature such as a spring of a stream, or gathering of trees. Some Gods had small wooden temples built for them, such as Woden the God of war.

They would pray to their Gods and Goddesses to protect them, and to provide a good harvest. These prayers would usually be followed by the sacrifice of an animal such as oxen and boars. A gift to the Gods for their prayers to be answered.